Last Updated: Aug 21st, 2020 - 13:06:35 |
Mirage III EBR. Revell. 1/72nd
This is an older kit and has been in my unbuilt collection for over twenty years. Even so, it provided good detail with finely engraved lines. The cockpit is basic but in this scale, was acceptable.
Apr 17, 2006, 02:18
SPAD VII. Airfix WW I Fighter Classics Series. 1/72nd
While crude by today’s standards, this kit makes a pleasant little model. With a little care and some simple scratchbuilt additions, it can add the SPAD VII to your collection, at least until Roden or someone else comes out with a better kit. I enjoy building models of Aces’ aircraft and have always loved the markings of the Cigones squadron.
Apr 17, 2006, 01:19
Hanriot H232. Azur. 1/72nd
Another idiosynchratic release from this Franco-Czech concern, the H232 was a late 1930's vintage tandem two-seat twin-engined trainer, 32 of which had been delivered to the Armee de 1'Air by 1940. Little is known of their use after the armistice, but 3 were delivered to Finland in 1941.
Apr 11, 2006, 10:45
Loire-Nieuport LN 411. Azur. 1/72
Moulded in a softish light grey plastic the kit contains 44 injection moulded parts, vacformed canopy, 9 etched brass components and photo-negative backing for the instrument panel. According to my limited references the span and length are correct although the canopy seems a little undersize. Nevertheless the overall shape of the model is satisfactory.
Apr 11, 2006, 09:32